I am a born telepath/medium with clear connections to multi-dimensional communication. After experiencing hardship and trauma throughout my life journey, I decided to find a way out by following and exploring my intuition, working through many shadows back to the light again.


Now, as a trained reiki healer and shamanic practitioner, I bring the gifts of empathy and compassion, deep energy healing, and inner shadow work to assist others on their path toward consciousness and mental freedom.


My mantra as my guides always say is, “Help it grow!” Expanding the light in everyone’s heart, replacing fear with love, and encompassing our mother Gaia with that light for our future generations to come.




I am an astral soul healer, reiki master, yoga teacher and creator of small batch folk remedies - passionate about health, wellness and personal autonomy!

All of this inspired me to create Serpent Dancer Alchemy.

Serpent Dancer Alchemy is all about coming back to ourselves and the medicine that is part of the earth and the universe around us.

I created SDAlchemy after receiving Serpent Dancer as my medicine name in shamanic ceremony.

Working with the medicine of the great serpent, Sachamama, is my gift; transformation, shedding skins, supporting and balancing the divine feminine, walking softly and gently on the earth, in harmony with all, the Beauty Way.

I bring this energy and medicine into everything I do; my art, my relationship with each plant I choose to work and create with, and every human relationship - up close and personal or distant.

I work with Grandmother Spider and weave webs of divine light, growth and abundance for myself and others.

I include all the elements in my magic and call forth balance and wholeness with the earth goddess, Pachamama.

I embrace the cycle of life, death, life; coming back to us in a spiral over and over and find meaning and magic in scavenging feathers and bones and letting nothing on this earth go to waste, like Condor and other carrion friends.

I speak with the dead and never forget what Raven has taught me, to honor my ancestors and the paths they have forged for us.

I traverse the astral realms for others bearing witness to the healing performed by our guides and bring that information back to share with them.

I spend time traveling the country and communicating with the land to feel what medicine it wants to offer and give to the people, and what medicine I can give back to the spirits of the land in return.

My heart’s desire is to teach as many souls as I can how to traverse the astral plane and take their health and healing into their own hands.

My dream is for every person to become confident in their personal power and abilities, find and follow their hearts true passion and uncover their unique soul path.

This is my life mission and passion!


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“The best guidance to date!! I was heading for a life change and because of past experiences that were traumatic I had subconscious fears of where my life was heading. With Lena's healing and guidance she was dead on with what was currently evolving and gave the guidance needed to create smooth sailing throughout this transition. If not for this guidance I may have completely trashed and threw away opportunities that led me to the calmest and happiest time of my life. Thank you Lena for being you and embracing your gifts."

Kathy Lynn

"I'm not sure if I ever expressed how much healing I got from your ceremony emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Also physically after the back adjustment with the star people! I seriously felt the difference. It's been great. I'm so very thankful!"

Heather Wood
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